Our Partners

Thank you to the Trusts and businesses supporting our school and students. We are incredibly grateful for their support.

Youthtown Trust

Our Year 8 team is so thankful to the Youthtown Trust for their support towards our Year 8 Camp to Raincliff.
Youthtown’s support meant we were able to lower our transport costs and make camp affordable to all. 

Travelling as a unit to camp on the bus added to the experience and was part of a successful education outside the classroom (EOTC) experience. 

Thanks, Youthtown!!

We have been super lucky to receive money from the OfficeMax e-Grants Partnership with Barnardos.

This money has been put to great use in buying resources that will be based in the Learning Centre. These resources will be available to all students to access, learn with and create experiences.

Network Waitaki this year supported 55 different local schools, arts, sporting and community groups. They do so much to help many aspects of our local community.

We at Oamaru Intermediate greatly appreciate their support and the grant money will go towards new Volleyball / Touch tops for our interschool teams and a portable sound system for us to use at sporting and cultural events.

Finn and Rio were extremely grateful to represent Oamaru Intermediate School and receive a grant from Network Waitaki. Thanks, Network Waitaki for all you do in our school and our community.